Invited talks
Invited seminars
The mathematical structure of the genetic code: degeneracy, symmetry and error correction, COST Action Dynalife Training School: The Riddle of the Genetic Code Katholische Akademie „Die Wolfsburg“, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany, May 1-3, 2024.
Modelli matematici del codice genetico: cosa sono e a cosa servono, April 11, 2023, Università di Ferrara, Genetica Medica, Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche.
Robust estimation for threshold autoregressive moving-average models, October 26, 2022, Department of Mathematics, University of Trento.
Testing for threshold regulation in presence of measurement error with an application to the PPP hypothesis, October 7, 2021, Free University of Bolzano, Faculty of Economics and Management.
Small Sample Asymptotics for Multinomial Goodness of fit Tests, September 6, 2017, Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, University of Iowa.
Entropy based tests for nonlinear dependence in time series, January 14, 2014, Free University of Bolzano, Faculty of Economics and Management.
Un modello matematico del codice genetico: simmetria e informazione nelle sequenze geniche, Department of Mathematics, University of Bologna, February 3, 2014.
A mathematical model for the genetic code: theory and applications, Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, University of Bologna, 15th March 2013.
Copula based cluster analysis, IMT Lucca, January 16, 2013.
A mathematical model for the genetic code: time series aspects: Mannheim Hochschule, March 29, 2012.
A Powerful Entropy Test for Linearity against Nonlinearity in Time Series Econometrics Workshop@ Vanderbilt University, November 3, 2011. (Presented by the co-author Esfandiar Maasoumi, Emory University).
Un test di non linearità per serie storiche basato su di una misura di entropia, May 14, 2009, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche. Università di Salerno.
Generalized Pòlya Urn designs with null balance, Department of Physics, University of Genova, July 16, 2007
Invited presentations
Giannerini S.; Chen R.; Goracci G.; Trapani L., , Inference in matrix-valued time series with common stochastic trends and multi factor error structure, Workshop: Analysis of Complex Data: Tensors, Networks and Dynamic Systems, Banff International Research Station for mathematical innovation and discovery, Canada, May 12 -17, 2024..
Giannerini S.; Diaz Rubio G.A.; Goracci G., Consistent and efficient model selection with possible misspecification for vector time series, Complex time series analysis: high-dimensionality, change-point, forecasting and causality, TSIMF, Sanya, China, January 3-7, 2024.
Giannerini S.; Diaz Rubio G.A.; Goracci G., Consistent and efficient model selection with possible misspecification for vector time series, 2nd Bergamo Workshop in Econometrics and Statistics, University of Bergamo, September 7-8, 2023.
Giannerini S.; Diaz Rubio G.A.; Goracci G., The Multivariate Misspecification-Resistant Information Criterion, Waseda-Bolzano workshop on Statistics and time series analysis, Selva di val Gardena April 1-3, 2023.
Giannerini S. et al., Nonlinear Time Series Analysis of Coastal Temperatures and El Niño–Southern Oscillation Events in the Eastern South Pacific, IMR-Waseda Workshop, March 28-29, 2023, Institute for Marine Research, Bergen, Norway.
Giannerini S., Protein translation and error correcting codes: a close look at the mathematical structure of genetic information, March 16, 2023, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Giannerini S., Goracci G., Angelini F., Castellani, M., Testing for threshold effects in presence of volatility and measurement error: the case of Italian strikes, Waseda time series Workshop, February 06-07, 2023, Waseda University, Tokyo.
Giannerini S., Goracci G., Angelini F., Castellani, M., Testing for threshold effects in presence of volatility and measurement error: the case of Italian strikes, Workshop on statistical learning and econometrics, December 12-13, 2022, Free University of Bolzano/Bozen.
Giannerini S., Goracci G., Rahbek A., The validity of Bootstrap testing in the threshold framework, Roma-Waseda Time Series Symposium, October 05-07, 2022, Villa Mondragone, University of Rome Tor Vergata.
Giannerini S., Angelini F., Castellani M., Goracci G., Testing for threshold effects in presence of volatility and measurement error: the case of Italian strikes, Bologna-Waseda Time Series Symposium, October 08-09, 2022, Accademia delle Scienze, University of Bologna.
Giannerini S., Gonzalez, D.L., Goracci G., Dichotomic Classes and Entropy Optimization in Coding Sequences., Chemobrionics final meeting, September 05-07, 2022, University of Pisa.
Giannerini S.; Goracci G. ; Rahbek A., The validity of Bootstrap testing in the threshold framework, IMS Annual Meeting in Probability and Statistics, June 27-30, 2022, Senate House, London.
Giannerini S., Goracci G., Rahbek A., The validity of Bootstrap testing in the threshold framework with an application to climate change. Workshop: Econometric Models of Climate Change, March 13, 2022, University of Ferrara.
Giannerini S., Goracci G., Chan K.-S., Tong H., Testing for threshold regulation, Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance, September 22-25, 2020 (Keynote talk).
NSF Workshop: Biology Through Information, Communication \& Coding Theory, January 21-22, 2020. Alexandria, Virginia, USA.
A new mathematics for the origin of life, from numeration systems to the genetic code, COST Action CA17120 CHEMOBRIONICS 30/80 MEETING March 11-13, 2019 Granada Science Park Spain.
Revisiting Feature Matching in Time Series Modelling, Workshop on Non-likelihood Based Statistical Modelling, Centre for Research in Statistical Methodology, Warwick University, Sep. 7 – 9, 2015.
Dichotomic classes and Entropy, Workshop on Understanding of the origin and the management of the genetic information, University of Applied Sciences, Mannheim. June 15-16, 2015.
Nonparametric tests of nonlinear serial dependence in time series based on entropy measures, Seminars on non parametric and semiparametric techniques, University of Ferrara, 13th Feb 2015.
Dichotomic classes, correlations and entropy optimization in coding sequences, Workshop RNA: structure, function and evolution, SISSA, Trieste, June 5 – 6, 2015.
Dichotomic classes, correlations and entropy optimization in coding sequences, First International Conference of the Code Biology Society, Universitè Paris Decartes, May 20-24, 2014.
A mathematical model for the genetic code, Workshop on DNA coding, Mannheim Hochschule, March 28-30, 2012.
Entropy based tests for nonlinearity, Workshop on Recent Advances in Nonlinear Time Series Analysis, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore, Feb. 7 – 18, 2011.
Predicting turning points through information reduction techniques, Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance MAF 2010, April 7 - 9, 2010 Villa Rufolo - Ravello, Italy.
Information reduction techniques for turning point prediction” European Regional Meeting of the International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics, Cagliari, May 30th – June 3rd, 2009.
An entropy based test for non-linear dependence in time series, S.Co. 2007, Venice 6-8th September 2007.
Deterministic and Stochastic Linear and Nonlinear Mean Prediction of Time Series, ASA 2004, Joint Statistical Meeting, Toronto (Canada) Aug 8-12, 2004.
Other selected presentations
Giannerini S.; Goracci G., A probabilistic framework for nullomers and absent sequences: some reflections, COST Workshop: Dynamics of Coding Matter and the Origin of Life (DYCOMAT), Universidad de las Islas Baleares, Mallorca, Spain, March 14-15, 2024.
Giannerini S.; Diaz Rubio G.A.; Goracci G., Consistent and efficient model selection with possible misspecification for vector time series, 4th Italian Workshop of Econometrics and Empirical Economics: “Climate and Energy Econometrics”, Free University of Bolzano, January 25-26, 2024.
Giannerini S., the COST Action 'Information, Coding, and Biological Function: the Dynamics of Life' , 20th IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, Aug 29-31, 2023.
Giannerini S.; Goracci G.; Angelini F.; Castellani, M., Testing for threshold effects in presence of volatility and measurement error: the case of Italian strikes, ICEEE 2023 10th Italian Congress of Econometrics and Empirical Economics University of Cagliari, May 26-28, 2023.
Goracci G.; Giannerini S.; Rahbek A., The validity of Bootstrap testing in the threshold framework, Vienna–Copenhagen Conference on Financial Econometrics, June 2-4 2022, Department of Economics, Copenhagen.
Giannerini S.; Danielli A.; Gonzalez D. L.; Goracci G., A role for circular code properties in translation, 7th International Code Biology Conference Luznica 31 August – 4 September 2021
Gonzalez D. L.; Boulay J.Y.; Giannerini S.; Goracci G., Mathematical regularities in the genetic code: a unifying view based on symmetry and group theory.”, 7th International Code Biology Conference Lu\v{znica 31 August – 4 September 2021
G. Goracci, S. Giannerini, K.-S. Chan , H. Tong, Testing for threshold effects in the TARMA framework, 7th Rimini Center for Economic Analysis (RCEA) Workshop, 25 - 26 June 2021.
G.A. Diaz Rubio, S. Giannerini, G. Goracci, On the asymptotic mean-squared prediction error for multivariate time series., 50th scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Pisa 21 - 25 June 2021.
S. Giannerini, G. Goracci, K.-S. Chan, H. Tong, Unit-root test within a threshold ARMA framework, ICEEE 2021: Ninth Italian Congress Of Econometrics And Empirical Economics, 21 - 23 January 2021.
G. Goracci, S. Giannerini, K.-S. Chan, H. Tong, Tests for threshold effects in the ARMA framework, eMAF2020, 18 - 22 - 25 September 2020 (invited session).
S. Giannerini; D.L. Gonzalez; G. Goracci, Evolution and Degeneracy in the Genetic Code, in: Code biology 2019, book of abstracts, 2019, pp. 40-40 (atti di: Code Biology 2019, Friedrichsdorf, 3 - 7 June 2019).
S. Giannerini; D.L. Gonzalez; G. Goracci, A new mathematics for the origin of life, from numeration systems to the genetic code, COST Action CA17120 CHEMOBRIONICS 30/80 MEETING, Granada Science Park Spain, March 11 - 13, 2019.
G. Goracci, S. Giannerini; D.L. Gonzalez , Code biology 2018, book of abstracts, 2018, pp. 34 - 34 (atti di: Code Biology 2018, Granada, 5 - 9 June 2018).
S. Giannerini; G. Goracci, Small Sample Asymptotics for Multinomial Goodness of Fit Tests., in: IMPS 2017, book of abstracts, 2017, pp. 25-25 (atti di: International Meeting of the Psychometric Society 2017, Zurigo, 17-21 July 2017).
K.-S. Chan, S. Giannerini, G. Goracci, and H. Tong, Testing for Unit-root Non-stationarity against Threshold Stationarity, 2017 NBER-NSF Time Series Conference, September 8–9, 2017, Kellogg School of Management, Evanston, IL (poster).
S. Giannerini; G. Goracci, Entropy based tests of dependence for categorical time series, PRIN final conference: Forecasting Economic and Financial Time Series, September 12–13, 2016, Villa Mondragone, Monteporzio Catone (RM).
S. Giannerini; G. Goracci, Asymptotics and power of entropy based tests of dependence for categorical data, in: CompStat 2016, book of abstracts, 2016, pp. 32 - 32 (atti di: 22nd International Conference on Computational Statistics, Oviedo, 23-26 August 2016).
S. Giannerini, E. Maasoumi, E. Bee Dagum, Entropy based tests for non-linear dependence in time series, CFE/ERCIM Senate House, University of London, UK, 10-12 December 2010.
A. Luati, P. Foschi, S. Giannerini, Information reduction techniques for turning point prediction 6th Eurostat Colloquium on Modern Tools for Business Cycle Analysis, Luxembourg, 26th - 29th September 2010.
S. Giannerini, P. Foschi, A. Luati Predicting turning points through information reduction techniques Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance MAF 2010, 7 - 9 April 2010 Villa Rufolo - Ravello, Italy.
S. Giannerini, F.M.L Di Lascio, A new copula-based clustering algorithm with applications in bioinformatics Evolutionary Computation in Statistics March 17-19, Ca' Foscari University, Venice.
S. Giannerini, P. Foschi, A. Luati Information reduction techniques for turning point prediction Evolutionary Computation in Statistics March 17-19, Ca' Foscari University, Venice.
A. Luati, P. Foschi, S. Giannerini, Information reduction techniques for turning point prediction Computational and Financial Econometrics conference (CFE'09), Cyprus, 29-31 October 2009.
F.M.L. Di Lascio, G. Bianchi, S. Giannerini, A. Manzari, A. Reale, G. Ruocco Exploring copulas for the imputation of missing nonlinearly dependent data, CLADAG 2009, 9-11 September, Catania.
F.M.L Di Lascio, G. Bianchi, S. Giannerini, A. Manzari, A. Reale, e G. Ruocco (2009). Exploring copulas for the imputation of missing data, Poster session, New Techniques and Techlologies for Statistics (NTTS) conference, Brussels, 18 - 20th February, 2009.
F.M.L Di Lascio, S. Giannerini, A new copula-based clustering algorithm with applications to microarray data, SIS 2008, XLIV meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, 25-27th June 2008.
S. Giannerini, D.L. Gonzalez, R. Rosa,: Strong Short-Range Correlations and Codon Class Dichotomies in coding DNA sequences , SER2008, Venice 28-29th March 2008.
S. Giannerini, E. Maasoumi, E. Bee Dagum, An entropy based test for non-linear dependence in time series, S.Co. 2007, Venice 6-8th September 2007.
S. Giannerini, E. Maasoumi, E. Bee Dagum, Entropy testing for nonlinearity in time series, ISI 2007, 56th Session of the ISI International Statistical Institute Lisboa, 22-29th August 2007.
S. Giannerini, E. Maasoumi, E. Bee Dagum, Entropy testing for nonlinearity in time series, Final workshop Parametric and non parametric estimation and forecasting of time series conditional moment dynamics, June 14 - 16, 2007 Centro Congressi Villa Mondragone, Roma.
S. Giannerini, G. Candela, A.E. Scorcu, Structural features and tourist movements of holiday destinations, SOEGW 2006, 29/08 - 02/09 Rimini.
S. Giannerini, A. Baldi Antognini, Convergence rate for Ehrenfest-type urn designs, SIS 2006, XLIII meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Torino, June 2006.
S. Giannerini,D.L. Gonzalez, R. Rosa, Dichot omic classes and serial dependence in DNA sequences, Poster, SER 2006, Villa Mondragone, Roma, 18-19 April 2006.
S. Giannerini, E. Bee Dagum, E. Maasoumi, An entropy based bootstrap test for non-linear dependence in time series, CSDA world conference 2005, Limassol, Cyprus.
S. Giannerini, D.L. Gonzalez, R. Rosa, Testing for Nonlinearity in Binary Sequences, COFIN Workshop: Linear and Non-Linear Dynamics in Time Series, Bressanone , 9-11 June 2005.
A. Desalvo, S. Giannerini, R. Rosa, Chaotic Phenomena Arising in the Interaction of MeV Protons with Silicon Crystals, Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity in Information and Communication Technology, Bologna, 6-8 Settembre 2004, Poster.
S. Giannerini, Deterministic and Stochastic Linear and Nonlinear Mean Prediction of Time Series, ASA 2004, Joint Statistical Meeting, Toronto (Canada) 8-12 Agosto 2004.
S. Giannerini, D.L. Gonzalez, R. Rosa, A new Insight into DNA: detecting structure in parity binary sequences, ECC8, Experimental Chaos Conference, Firenze 14 June 2004, Poster.
S. Giannerini, R. Rosa, Assessing chaos in time series: statistical aspects and perspectives, COFIN 2000 Workshop: Linearita' e non linearita' nella dinamica di serie storiche, Bressanone , 6-7 June 2003.
E. Bee Dagum, S. Giannerini, R. Rosa, Characterizing nonlinearity in time series data from different perspectives, CLADAG 2003, 22-24 September Bologna.
S. Giannerini, R. Rosa, Analysis of cardiovascular time series from a dynamical system perspective, CLADAG 2003, 22-24 September, Bologna.
C. Bonetto, S. Giannerini, A. Giovagnoli (2003) Monitoring antibiotic resistance: A solution based on nonparametric tests for stochastic dominance Abstracts/Controlled Clinical Trials 24 Suppl. 3 81S.
S. Giannerini, R. Rosa, D. L. Gonzalez, Chaotic behaviour in cardiovascular time series: a case study, Convegno Finale MURST: Modelli Stocastici e Metodi di Simulazione per l'Analisi di Dati Dipendenti, Campobasso, 28-29 Aprile 2003.
S. Giannerini, Sensitivity to initial conditions and non-linear time series, RSS 2002, International Conference of the Royal Statistical Society, Plymouth, 3-6 September 2002, 138.
S. Giannerini, R. Rosa, Analisi della dinamica del sistema cardiovascolare del rospo Bufo Arenarum in regime di fibrillazione, SICC meeting of the Italian Society for Chaos and Complexity: Complessita' e Scienze della vita, Pisa, 14-15 June 2002.
R. Rosa, S. Giannerini, Bootstrap accuracy estimation in chaotic time series, SIS 2002, XLI meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Milano, 5-7 June 2002.
R. Rosa, S. Giannerini, Caos e Statistica, conferenza della SIFF, Societa' Italiana Fondamenti della Fisica Fondamenti della meccanica quantistica e statistica, Bertinoro, 13-14 Sett. 2001.
S. Giannerini, R. Rosa, Largest Lyapunov exponent accuracy: a bootstrap approach, conferenza della SICC, meeting of the Italian Society for Chaos and Complexity: Chaos and Complexity in the new millennium, Padova, 3-5 Nov. 2000.
R. Rosa, S. Giannerini, Sono ricampionabili le serie storiche caotiche?, SIS 2000, XL meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Firenze, 26-28 April 2000.
S. Mignani, S. Giannerini, D. L. Gonzalez, Test di non linearità per la ricerca di un'eventuale dinamica caotica nel sistema cardiovascolare Meeting of the Italian Biometric Society, Roma, July 1999.
S. Giannerini, R. Rosa, Generating replications of chaotic time series, meeting of the Italian Society for Chaos and Complexity, Roma, October 1998.
Participation to the workshop: Elementi di Dinamica non lineare: Stabilita', Biforcazione e Caos, FEEM SICC DEI, Politecnico di Milano, 14-16 February 2000.